
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Paper, Paper, and more Paper


You write on it, print on it, eat off of it, wrap your food in it.

Think about your lunch from a fast food restaurant:

Here is how paper relates to everything.

  1. Paperboard box to hold your burger
  2. Paperboard box to hold your fries
  3. Waxed paper to carry your drink
  4. Straw wrapped in paper to partake of your drink
  5. Napkin made of paper to wipe your face when you are done
  6. The coupon you found in the Sunday paper to give you a discount
  7. The cash that paid for the meal (linen paper, but paper nonetheless)
  8. The receipt you received after paying for your meal

And all that was jut off the top of my head.  Paper has changed our lives in so many ways that it would be impossible to list all the ways.  This blog is dedicated to this wonderous substance, whether made from wood, grass, cloth, skin, etc.  

Next up: The creation of Paper!

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